Many companies and organisations appreciate the co-operation with MarinoTranslations. Having many consulting companies as clients means the range of industries and topics covered is as wide as that of the consulting business. Selected references of MarinoTranslations:
- AHO-Management
- Capgemini Deutschland GmbH
- Capgemini sd&m AG
- Capgemini Outsourcing Services GmbH
- CMS Hasche Sigle
- DTZ Deutschland Holding GmbH
- DTZ Zadelhoff Tie Leung GmbH HCL GmbH
- HCL GmbH
- PlasticsEurope, Brüssel
- PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V.
- Result Learning and Transfer GmbH & Co. KG
- Sogeti Deutschland GmbH
- A leading auditing and consulting company
During my 13 years as an employee in the consulting industry, I provided language support to a multitude of client projects. For legal reasons, the numerous clients cannot be named here. However, please find below a list of the key industries supported and the companies’ countries of origin:
- Automotive (Germany, Japan)
- Banking (Germany)
- Construction (Germany, Switzerland)
- Building materials (Switzerland)
- Chemicals (Germany, Switzerland)
- Utilities (Germany, France)
- Health care (Germany, Switzerland)
- Real estate (Germany)
- Internet service provider (USA)
- Aerospace (Germany, Europe)
- Mechanical engineering (Germany)
- Medical devices (Germany)
- Oil (Germany, Austria, Romania)
- Ministries and public administration (Abu Dhabi, Germany, Switzerland)
- Pharmaceuticals (Germany, France, Switzerland)
- Defence (Switzerland)
- Software engineering (Germany)
- Specialty chemicals (Germany)
- Tobacco products (USA)
- Technology and services (Germany)
- Telecommunications (Germany, France, Switzerland)
- Tourism (Germany)
- Transport, traffic, and logistics (Germany, Italy)
- Insurance (Germany)
- Trade associations (Europe)